# Git Repository

# Clone Repository

git clone http://git.canape.htb/simpsons.git

Or if that simpsons.git file wasn’t exposed we could use wget to get the job done.

wget --mirror -I .git

# Git Dumper

We can use Git-Dumper in case Git-Clone is showing forbidden.

# https://github.com/arthaud/git-dumper
git-dumper http://website.com/.git newdirectory/

# GitTools

This tool can be used to extract .git from local directory as well.

/opt/GitTools/Extractor/extractor.sh backup/ git_dump/

# Git Commands

# See all branches

git branch -a

# See files

git checkout -- .

# See Commit Log history

git log

# Check difference with the commit hash

git diff <HASH>