# Port 53 - DNS

DNS does not have a "banner" to grab. The closest equivalent is a magic query for version.bind. CHAOS TXT which will work on most BIND nameservers. You can perform this query using dig:

dig version.bind CHAOS TXT @DNS

# Nslookup

$ nslookup
> SERVER <MACHINE IP> #Select dns server
> #Reverse lookup of, maybe...
> <MACHINE_IP> #Reverse lookup of a machine, maybe...
> machine.htb # Test if respond to the machine DNS

# Zone Transfer

dig axfr @<DNS_IP> #Try zone transfer without domain
dig axfr bank.htb @<DNS_IP> #Try zone transfer guessing the domain
fierce --domain <DOMAIN> --dns-servers <DNS_IP> #Will try toperform a zone transfer against every authoritative name server and if this doesn'twork, will launch a dictionary attack

# More info

dig ANY @<DNS_IP> <DOMAIN>              #Any information
dig A @<DNS_IP> <DOMAIN>                #Regular DNS request
dig AAAA @<DNS_IP> <DOMAIN>             #IPv6 DNS request
dig TXT @<DNS_IP> <DOMAIN>              #Information
dig MX @<DNS_IP> <DOMAIN>               #Emails related
dig NS @<DNS_IP> <DOMAIN>               #DNS that resolves that name
dig -x @       #Reverse lookup
dig @ -x       #Reverse lookup
dig -x 2a00:1450:400c:c06::93 @<DNS_IP> #Reverse IPv6 lookup

# Finding Subdomains

$ host megacorp.com
megacorp.com has address

$ host -t mx megacorp.com
megacorp.com is handled by 20 mail.megacorp.com
megacorp.com is handled by 30 gym.megacorp.com

$ host -t txt megacorp.com
megacorp.com desctiptive text "Try Harder"

# Bruteforce subdomains

dnsrecon -D subdomains-1000.txt -d <DOMAIN> -n <IP_DNS>
dnscan -d <domain> -r -w subdomains-1000.txt #Bruteforce subdomains in recursive way, https://github.com/rbsec/dnscan

# Automated Tools

Tools to automate enumeration Zone Transfer and Domain. Bruteforce to find additional hostnames.

# DNSRecon

$ dnsrecon -d megacorp.com -t axfr
$ dnsrecon -d megacorp.com -D ~/wordlist.txt -t brt

# TheHarvester

theHarverster -d google.com -b google,twitter,linkedin,bing,yahoo,sublist3r

# Sublist3r

sublist3r -d google.com

# Knockpy

knockpy google.com -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/DNS/shubs-stackoverflow.txt